Maturity Number 3

 Maturity Number 3 


If your maturity number is 3, you'll get more cheerful, upbeat, playful, sociable, fun, happy, expressive, and outgoing as you get older. Your capacity to think creatively will increase and your ability to communicate and express yourself will improve. You may be inspired to take up some creative activities and become more involved in some form of self-expression such as writing, music, or something more creative but also more public such as acting or public speaking.  


You'll grow more fluent in your ability to interact with others and express your ideas and views, and you'll be able to convince people in ways you've never been able to before. Even though you never anticipated or desired it, you may wind up being famous. You could begin to express yourself more through the way you dress, decorating, or hairstyling. You may begin podcasting, writing, designing, communicating, using social media, and other forms of expression as time goes on. You must be extremely cautious not to be seduced by superficial looks or to pursue glitter and extravagance. Try not to squander your energy and money by scattering your resources. 
