Maturity Number 11

 Maturity Number 11/2 


If your maturity number is master 11, you will be an inspirational teacher when you grow up. You are diplomatic, crave love, sensitive, and peacemaker. You could also find the mate you've been looking for, as well as the harmony you desire. This master 11 maturity, points to a higher sense of spiritual purpose. You may have had a lot of difficulties and obstacles in your early years, such as being overly sensitive and experiencing that you don't fit in. You may have come from a dysfunctional family or home. But keep in mind that it is your ability to overcome tremendous obstacles that make you so inspirational and motivating to others.  


People will frequently look to you for guidance and influence. You'll be pushed into spirituality, and if you haven't already, something or an event will occur that will force you to do so. You may undergo a spiritual awakening where you find that you have psychic abilities and may investigate the spiritual realm. Premonitions, vivid dreams, having a clear audience, clairvoyance, and clear cognizance (clear hearing, seeing, and thinking) are all examples of psychic experiences. In your mid-30s, you'll notice significant changes in your intuition or psychic abilities. Therefore, you should allow your intuition to guide you through life. You'll even be more sensitive to the energies around you, and you'll be surprised at how factual your first impressions or insights are. You may find yourself drawn to spiritual activities.  


Traditional religion will not suffice, and you may try to take spirituality to the next step, beyond societal expectations and standards. As you become older, you'll have a better grasp of life and everything, and you'll begin to have greater trust in your Divine skills. Understand that you may encounter more intense challenges. Personal problems and physical and emotional sensitivity are all areas where you'll be put to the test time and above. Because of this maturity number 11, you may become pickier about who you let into your life because many people may judge you. Thus, you must avoid being overly sensitive. Try to be confident and do not judge when speaking about life experiences since you may find fame with this Maturity number 11.  
