Maturity Number 1

 Maturity Number 1 


If your Maturity number is 1, you'll discover that as you get older, you'll require more freedom and individualism. You learn how to be a leader, a risk-taker, ambitious, opinionated, and someone who is eager to try new things. You'll battle tooth and nail for the recognition and rewards you believe you deserve, and you'll be less ready to accept defeat, failure, or limits in any form. Your ability to take command and provide very solid advice will improve, as will your drive, determination, and passion.  


People will look to you for good guidance. Other people may even attempt to mimic or replicate you. You become more successful, and this is where you lay the foundation for future achievement, as well as a life filled with excitement, adventure, and other things that will help you go forward in life. You will become entirely self-sufficient as you get older, relying only on yourself for all of your needs. You'll have to work extremely hard to avoid becoming overly picky, too demanding, too arrogant, too self-centered, or too stubborn, to name a few flaws you should be mindful of. It’s possible you may find yourself becoming very irritated and lonely later in life.  

